The renowned Cafe Baudrot of Alexandria comes back to life through the brushstroke of painter Andreas Georgiadis. His exhibition, inspired by Lawrence Durrell's *The Alexandria Quartet*, was showcased at the city’s famous Library, traveled to Cairo, and will arrive in Athens in December.
When modern-day Greeks visit places where Hellenism once flourished beyond the borders in its most distinguished, urban form, they often feel a silent mourning awakened by the remnants of a once-brilliant material culture: mansions, arcades, shops, squares, and temples. *Lacrimae rerum*—tears for things, as Virgil wrote—for the empty shells, vanishing testimonies of a bygone era. Few, however, dare to reconstruct that vitality of the Greek expatriate communities in cities like Constantinople, Smyrna, Venice, and others, under the true light of their natural environment, cosmopolitanism, decay, and interaction with other settlers and natives.
This bold revival is what Andreas Georgiadis achieves by bringing back to life Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria (and Cavafy’s as well) in his ink-based collection *The Alexandria Quartet*. This body of 35 works, inspired by the magical novel of the Irish author, was honorably presented from October 16–18 at the Library of Alexandria during its 12th-anniversary celebrations. The artist was awarded the Key to the City—not only for the beauty and clarity of his images but also for his ability to delve into the past with respect, tenderness, and a deep need for truth and myth.
Georgiadis becomes a 20th-century Alexandrian, knowing its streets like the back of his hand, resting in its cafes and in the shadow of its mosques, admiring the architectural details of its buildings, recognizing the scents in its barbershops, the music in its hotel halls, and the confections displayed in its patisseries. His painting encapsulates a narrative, making the viewer feel as if they are in a bubble traveling through time and space. Literature becomes an experience.
The painter adopts a scenic approach to one of the most significant and beloved books of the 20th century with courage and reverence. He journeys alongside Justine, Balthazar, Mountolive, and Clea, living in their world, a world shaped not only by the author’s imagination but also by Georgiadis' own painstaking research, which spanned years. He first read the novel at 20, visited Alexandria for the first time at 22, and, at 39, decided to paint this series, dedicating himself to the subject with multiple trips. He sought out sources, met people, formed friendships with the few remaining members of today’s Greek community—including the active Consul Christos Kapodistrias, who provided invaluable help—read extensively, and asked questions.
Many buildings had been demolished, streets had changed names two or three times, and urban renovations had altered the cityscape. Thanks to Georgiadis' persistence, landmarks like Rue Fuad, Hotel Cecil, Cafe Baudrot, and the Cotton Exchange square were revived, along with characters like Justine, Darley, and Mountolive. Even the illuminated window of the villa where Durrell lived and wrote is present in the works. In reality, this dilapidated building is set to be demolished by the end of the year despite efforts to save it.
This is not the first time Georgiadis has dipped his brush into the ink of literature. In earlier works, he was guided by the plots of certain books. However, in the case of *The Quartet*, he undertakes a complete journey to the place where Greek was spoken, diverse races coexisted, and a dozen religions thrived, as Durrell himself described. His technique plays with light and shadow in tones of magenta and sepia, achieving a sense of time’s patina.
The exhibition will be hosted at Cairo’s Amir Taz Palace until November 5 and will then move to Athens in December at the Ianos Bookstore on Stadiou Street. It is worth noting that the Alexandria tribute was fully organized by the Library with support from the Greek Consulate.
Copyright © 2025 Andreas Georgiadis